Demo Family

Attitude of Gratitude

Rocks with images and text; family, love, pets
What are you grateful for?

ThinkA Grateful Heart Gives Back

FeelFeelings of Gratitude

Reflecting on the video: 1. Explain how gratitude and self-management influenced Ana to react to the “pull” to help the girls. 2. Describe how you think Ana felt when she was able to help the girls. 3. Describe the feelings of the girls who Ana helped. Who expressed that she was grateful? How do you think she felt expressing that to Ana?

Consider using our feeling words when sharing emotions.

Feelings Vocabulary Wheel - click for more detailsClick on Wheel for more details

ActTeam Treaty for Gratitude

Ana says that because she was grateful for what she has, she chose to share it with others. Let’s make a Team Treaty to define ways that our gratitude can positively impact others and ourselves.​ ​ACTivity: Team Treaty 1.  Use the Team Treaty to agree on ways to show gratitude as a class. 2.  Use the Tracker to monitor daily. 3.  Hold each other responsible and let’s review at the end of the week.
Images of Team Treaty and Tracker and Overview

ExpressWrite about Ana’s Lifestory

Day 2:	Write about Ana’s lifestory by addressing a question after the lifestory and writing your answer   on the worksheet.
Lifestory page image and Read-Write-Speak-Listen worksheet with icon on top